Devlog Tools: Easy Save

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Hello everyone! Today I want to share how Easy Save has been an essential tool in my latest nonogram game project to manage puzzle progress and state.

As many of you know, nonograms are logic puzzles in which the player must fill in a grid according to numerical clues. In my game, the player can leave a puzzle at any time and come back to it later. To achieve this, I needed a way to save the puzzle progress and completed cell states.

I've been using Easy Save in several previous game projects, and I can confidently say that it has been an incredibly useful tool in each one. With its easy-to-use API, I was able to save and load puzzle data efficiently and easily. Easy Save allowed me to save and load the state of each cell and its corresponding numerical clue, as well as the player's position in the puzzle.

Additionally, Easy Save also allowed me to save the progress of each completed puzzle, which means the player can replay a completed puzzle without losing their previous progress. All of this was achieved with just a few lines of code, making implementation much easier and faster.

The best thing about Easy Save is that it also offers encryption and compression options, which means player data is safe and protected against potential attacks. This feature gives me peace of mind knowing that player data is safe at all times.

In summary, Easy Save has been an invaluable tool in my nonogram game project. It has allowed me to save and load puzzle progress and cell state efficiently and easily, greatly enhancing the player experience. If you're developing a logic game or any game that requires save data management, I highly recommend Easy Save.

That's it for now! I hope you found this entry in my devlog useful. Until next time!

Devlog Tools: Odin Inspector

User Rating: 5 / 5

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As a game developer, one of the biggest challenges I faced was managing the data for puzzles in my game. Without a proper tool to manage and visualize the data, it was a time-consuming task that could quickly become overwhelming.

That's where Odin Inspector came in. This powerful Unity tool allowed me to easily create custom editors and inspectors for my game's data, making it much easier to manage and visualize complex puzzle data.

By using Odin Inspector, I was able to streamline my development process and focus more on actually creating the puzzles, rather than getting bogged down in the data management. It was a game-changer for me, and I don't know how I would have managed without it.

Not only did Odin Inspector save me a lot of time and effort, but it also allowed me to create a more polished and professional-looking game. The custom editors and inspectors I created with Odin Inspector made it easy for me to fine-tune every aspect of the game's puzzles, resulting in a much more cohesive and satisfying gameplay experience.

All in all, I can't recommend Odin Inspector enough for game developers who want to streamline their development process and create better games. It was an essential tool for me, and I'm sure it will be for many others as well.

Devlog: Audio

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One of the biggest challenges I faced in developing my video game was creating an immersive audio experience that complemented the gameplay. To achieve this, I decided to use REAPER, a powerful DAW, and the Enforcer plugin to improve the audio quality of my game.

Using REAPER allowed me to create and edit audio tracks with ease. I was able to import audio files, record sounds, and add effects to my tracks, all within the same software. This made the audio production process more streamlined and efficient. I was able to quickly experiment with different sound effects and music tracks until I found the perfect match for my game.

However, the most significant improvement to my audio came from using the Enforcer plugin. Enforcer allowed me to enhance the bass frequencies in my audio tracks, which is especially important in a video game where sound effects like user interface (UI) sounds can have a huge impact on the player's experience. The plugin helped me to create a more immersive experience by making sure the bass frequencies were consistent throughout the game. It also helped to minimize phase cancellation, which can occur when multiple audio sources with similar frequencies are playing simultaneously.

Using REAPER and Enforcer together was a game-changer for me. I was able to create an immersive audio experience that complemented my gameplay and made my game feel more polished and professional. With these tools, I was able to create unique soundscapes that helped to immerse the player in the game world. I highly recommend using these tools for any game developer looking to improve their audio quality.


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